

*All of the options on this page offer special services that are completely free.


Discovering the right support system is vital on the journey of healing after infant loss. There are numerous excellent options available to help you find what best suits your needs.


Whether you prefer in-person sessions or virtual meetings, we’ve personally found that seeking out specialized services—those with expertise or personal experience in infant loss—can make a profound difference. Connecting with individuals and organizations who truly understand, validate, and empathize with your emotions can create a safe and nurturing environment for open dialogue and exploration.


Having a supportive community that not only listens but also offers valuable insights and resources can be incredibly comforting during such a challenging time. We encourage you to explore these options and find the ‘safe zone’ where you can freely express and navigate your thoughts and feelings with compassion and understanding.



SUDDEN ANGELS (Through Adriatica Women’s Health. Monthly Group Zoom Meetings 6:00PM)